
Boats on Parade in Annapolis: Watch in Person, or Watch in Your PJs

EYC/ John Parsons

This Saturday evening is the anticipated Eastport Yacht Club Lights Parade, when two fleets of more than 35 boats will process around Spa Creek, City Dock, and the Naval Academy seawall.

The parade runs from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. The hardiest spectators will get on a boat or stand outside to watch, despite predicted temperatures in the low 30s and chance of rain (only high winds would prompt EYC to cancel). Others will watch from coveted table reservations at waterfront restaurants around the parade route, snug inside with a nice bottle of wine. True homebodies can even enjoy the Lights Parade from the comfort of their couch via live stream on their phone or tablet. Click here to find the link to the live stream on parade night.

And yes, if you’ve just been inspired to participate in the Lights Parade, you still have time to register your boat until Thursday. Contact [email protected] with questions.

The Lights Parade is looking to defend its title as Number One in USA Today’s Best Readers Choice Holiday Parades in America. When voting closed Monday, Eastport was in 4th place, but we’ll have to wait until Friday to find out who wins it all.

 EYC/ John Parsons
EYC/ John Parsons