UPDATE: Fish for a Cure has announced the 2018 tournament will be held Saturday, November 3, 2018. Please save the date for this rewarding weekend and important cause!
Jeni Parris BradyThe 2017 Fish for a Cure fishing tournament cast a wide net to bring home funds for the important cancer support programs at Anne Arundel Medical Center, and the tournament didn’t disappoint!
Thanks to Fish for a Cure, AAMC’s Geaton and JoAnn DeCesaris Institute will receive a minimum donation of $400,000. Those funds will directly support cancer patients by providing nurse navigators, nutritionists and rehabilitation services.
Our October feature article, To Fish The Best Reason Ever, explains how important these programs are to cancer patients.
Chesapeake Bay Magazine was a proud sponsor of the tournament, and we had five boats participating. Those teams alone raised $4,510 for the cause!
The biggest competition among the teams is the fundraising “Captain’s Challenge.” Captain Rob Schurr of team Just in Time won the challenge this year, bringing in $39,550.
The anglers and their supporters returned to the dock for the Fish for a Cure Shore Party, at the Annapolis Waterfront Hotel. More than 600 people came out to support the cause and celebrate the day.
Though the biggest priority for the tournament teams was raising funds for cancer programs, there was also some friendly competition in the fish-catching department.

The top three fish weighing in were:
1st – Ellen B/Atlantic Forest Products, John Chisholm – 18.82 lbs.
2nd – Trolling is for Golfers, Nick Garrot – 18.5 lbs.
3rd – Team CSF, Jeff Crane – 17.9 lbs.
In the catch and release category:
1st – Strike Zone, Eric Milton -92-3/8”
2nd – Tidewater Charters, Tyler Nonn-91.25”
3rd – Trolling is for Golfers, Nick Garrott- 90.5”
And for the heaviest string of perch:
1st – Havtech/Daikin, Tom Whitely – 2.82 lbs.
2nd – Miss Cleo, Stanley Watkins – 1.87 lbs.
3rd – Dirty Blonde Sport Fishing, Scott Davis – 1.62 lbs.
Last but not least, the “Grand Slam,” any 3 unique species caught by an angler:
Leigh Family Dentistry “Just a Gamble”, Jeff Leigh – white perch, yellow perch, rockfish.
-Meg Walburn Viviano