
This new cildren's book captures the real-life adventures of a not-so-real coyote.

Lighthouse’s Infamous Coyote Decoy Gets Own Storybook

It’s certainly an imaginative premise for a children’s book: a coyote takes up residence at a picturesque historic lighthouse, only to be swept away in a storm, heroically rescued, and finally returned to his place of honor standing guard at the lighthouse.

Or it would be an imaginative premise—if it weren’t a true story! By now, some of us are familiar with the story of Drew, a lifelike coyote decoy installed at Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse to scare birds off and keep the landing dock clean for visitors. Now, it may be the only decoy in the Bay region to star in its own storybook. Drew’s wild-but-true tale will be introduced to Bay families at a book signing in St. Michaels this weekend.

The coyote’s installation was well-documented by Bay photographer and Thomas Point Light supporter David Sites. Drew the coyote was working well as a bird poop-deterrent…until the unthinkable happened. Tropical Storm Debby brought wind and waves to the open Bay, and swept Drew’s dock away with the coyote still affixed to it. After floating nearly seven miles, the dock section carrying Drew was recovered. After repairs to the landing dock, the coyote was returned to his rightful place.

That’s where author Natasha Nash Dixon comes in. As a preservationist and Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse volunteer, she is also a new docent for the lighthouse’s popular tours. Having followed Sites’ social media posts about Drew, she thought to herself, He needs a children’s book!

“That night, I sat down and wrote his story, which practically writes itself, if I’m honest,” Dixon tells us.

Dixon got to work creating a children’s book that weaves her narrative with contributions by lighthouse manager John Potvin, illustrated with Sites’ memorable photos.

Drew boldly protects the lighthouse landing from messy bird droppings in 2024. Photo: David Sites

Drew’s Grand Adventure debuted on Amazon on Dec. 20, 2024. Dixon will bring it to the Artisans’ Gallery on Talbot Street in St. Michaels this Saturday, Jan. 25, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Drew the coyote will make a special appearance. The author will sell copies of the book signed with Drew’s “pawprint”, and there is a coloring book for children to take home. Charcuterie and snacks will be offered, and it doesn’t hurt that the Artisans’ Gallery shares a building with St. Michaels Winery.

All of the book’s proceeds will go directly to maintaining the lighthouse. In recent years, the National History Landmark lighthouse needed new steel beams, tie rods, a main support beam sourced from special wood, and a new privy. Built in 1875, Thomas Point Light is the last screw-pile lighthouse still in its original position and being used for navigation.

This year marks Thomas Point Light’s 150th anniversary, so it’s a perfect time for Dixon to launch her book. You can find it on Amazon, at Artisans’ Gallery in St. Michaels, and she is in talks with several local bookshops in the Bay region.