
Sportfishing Association Donation Helps Chesapeake Biological Lab

The Maryland Saltwater Sportfishing Association’s Southern Maryland Chapter (MSSA-SMC) donated a gift certificate and new lab and field equipment to the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory (CBL).

Chesapeake Biological Laboratory/UMCES

MSSA-SMC is a group of recreational fishermen working to support the fisheries resources in the Chesapeake Bay.

CBL Director Dr. Tom Miller accepted the donations, which are intended to support fisheries research and management.

“We are honored by the generosity of the MSSA-SMC members,” said Dr. Miller, and how they “support our active research programs on the fisheries in the Chesapeake Bay and the coastal Atlantic. We are also pleased to support MSSA-SMC outreach activities like kids’ fishing camps.”

The Chesapeake Biological Laboratory is the oldest publicly supported marine laboratory on the East Coast, located where the Patuxent River meets the Bay. This year, they have advised agencies on blue crab management, to support the resurgence of crabs in the Bay, and they developed the fast-growing Chesapeake Dolphin Watch, a citizen science program to monitor dolphins in the Bay. To report dolphin sightings and learn more, click here.